News Environment

Microplastic causing forest death?

Coral reefs have been hit hard by climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% over the past decade. However, a recent study

 News Environment

New Radiation Levels from Chernobyl Released

New measurement data shows the detailed radioactive contamination in the exclusion zone of Chernobyl. Given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, these data are of particular

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Acceptance of Labor Meat in Germany

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the University of Osnabrück has shed light on the potential for in-vitro meat to become a staple in

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Algae Farm: More Effective than Rainforest?

Brilliant Planet, a start-up based in London, has developed a new algae farm to combat climate change by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the

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Endangered Sharks Found in Dog Food

Shark DNA Found in Dog and Cat Food In a shocking discovery, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have found DNA from endangered

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Call for General Speed Limit

The ACE Auto Club Europa e. V. (ACE) is calling for a speed limit of 100 km/h on all German highways to reduce fuel consumption.

 News Environment

Flooding Risk Increasing in Europe

The risk of flooding due to climate change is increasing along many European coastlines. This is not only due to rising sea levels, but also

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Prehistoric Microorganisms Ensure Drinking Water Supply

A newly discovered species in Lake Constance is helping to reduce the concentration of toxic ammonium ions and secure the drinking water supply in the

 News Environment

Changing Airflow to Bring Rain

New research suggests that solar panels could potentially alter air currents and increase rainfall in dry coastal regions. Many coastal areas around the world have

 News Environment

Replacing Concrete with Wood in Construction?

The production of concrete is responsible for a significant amount of global CO2 emissions. A recent study has explored whether the construction industry can replace