News Environment

EU criticized for Glyphosate decision.

The European Union (EU) has once again deemed the use of the controversial pesticide glyphosate safe for use, despite strong criticism from the public and

 News Environment

Lab-made dog food fights climate change.

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. According

 News Environment

Harmful Air Pollution Below Limits

Air pollution is responsible for the deaths of approximately 800,000 people in Europe and 4.5 million people globally each year. The World Health Organization (WHO)

 News Environment

Rising Jellyfish Sightings in Mediterranean

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. The

 News Environment

COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Plastic Waste

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an additional 8.4 million tons of plastic waste, including masks, protective equipment, and other medical supplies. Shockingly, at least

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Displacement Risk

Climate-related disasters have forced 10.3 million people to flee their homes in the last six months, according to data from the International Red Cross and

 News Environment

Superbugs found in German discount meat

Multiresistant bacteria have been found in meat samples from German discount stores, prompting the World Medical Association to call for stricter regulation of related medications

 News Environment

Microbes turn plastic waste into protein

Revolutionary Research Project Wins Future Insight Prize 2021 In a groundbreaking research project, Ting Lu from the University of Illinois and Stephen Techtmann from the

 News Environment

Mallorca’s Marine Reserve Benefits Economy and Environment

A new study has shown that protecting the environment can also benefit the economy. In 2007, an 11,000-hectare marine protected area was established in the

 News Environment

Superbugs Found in German Lakes

Bacteria with resistance genes against common antibiotics are present in almost all German lakes. Even resistance against reserve antibiotics is already widespread in the environment.