News Environment

More Wind Turbines in Germany

Germany has seen a significant increase in the construction and approval of new wind turbines, but one region is still lagging behind. The federal government

 News Environment

Heatwaves stress deeper water layers

A new study by the University of Algarve has found that marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense in deeper waters, with potentially devastating

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Hybrid Cars Emit More Than Expected

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Graz on behalf of the environmental organization Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that the CO2

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Climate Change Threatens European Ski Resorts

The impact of climate change on agriculture in Europe is becoming increasingly apparent. A recent study by the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech

 News Environment

Human Activities Increase Methane Emissions

A new study has revealed that changes to bodies of water can significantly increase their methane emissions. Methane has a much stronger impact on climate

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Can Germany Feed Itself?

Germany Imports Majority of its Food: Study Shows Self-Sufficiency Possible with Reduced Meat Consumption Germany imports a significant portion of its food, but a new

 News Environment

Deep-sea mining threatens unknown species.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean may soon become a site for deep-sea mining. However, a recent study has revealed that thousands of

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99.9% Microplastic Removal with Holzstaubfilter

A recent study by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has revealed that oceans contain more microplastics than previously thought. These tiny plastic particles, which are

 News Environment

Wealthy households drive CO2 emissions.

Wealthy individuals are responsible for disproportionately high levels of CO2 emissions, with investments being the main culprit. As such, experts suggest shifting towards an income

 News Environment

Rich Compensate Poor’s Energy Consumption

A reduction in energy consumption is essential in the fight against climate change. However, this poses a social problem as low-income households cannot afford to