News Environment

Florida’s Water Supply Threatened by Weakening Gulf Stream

The North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a crucial factor in the world’s climate, is weakening and bringing less warm water from the Caribbean to

 News Environment

Beavers Speed Up Permafrost Thawing

Biber Could Accelerate Climate Change by Creating Artificial Lakes Biber, the animal landscape architects, are creating artificial lakes that could accelerate the thawing of permafrost

 News Environment

Fracking causes radioactive air pollution.

Fracking Increases Radioactivity in the Environment, Poses Health Risks Fracking, the process of extracting unconventional oil and gas reserves, has been a controversial practice due

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Fukushima: Radioactive Water to Sea

TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that exploded in 2011, plans to dispose of over 1.2 million tons of radioactive wastewater

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Rare Night Sky Lightning Captured

A rare and breathtaking photo of a Red Sprite, a type of lightning that is becoming increasingly difficult to see due to global light pollution,

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Record Cold Confirmed After 29 Years

A new official record for the coldest temperature on the Northern Hemisphere has been confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) after 29 years. The

 News Environment

Illegal Deforestation Fuels Charcoal Production

The use of charcoal for grilling has long been criticized by environmental organizations such as the Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU) due to its contribution

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Wealthy responsible for majority of CO2 emissions

The richest one percent of people in the world are responsible for more than double the amount of CO2 emissions than the entire poorer half

 News Environment

German Toll to Prevent City Traffic

A city toll and significantly higher parking fees could reduce traffic congestion in German cities by 25 percent. These measures would also relieve society, which

 News Environment

Upcycling Used Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers are a major contributor to the world’s waste problem, with over three billion being thrown away every day. In Germany alone, 8.4 million