News Environment

Dog’s environmental impact measured

A medium-sized dog produces as much CO2 during its lifetime as driving 72,800 kilometers in a car, according to a study by researchers at the

 News Environment

Drought in Germany hinders soil absorption

The effects of climate change are already being felt in Germany, with high temperatures and water shortages causing fats and waxes to accumulate on the

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Care for Trees, Not Just Plant

The fight against climate change has taken a new turn as researchers from Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Spain call for a shift in focus from

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Radioactive Soil Contamination in Europe

A new map has been released that highlights the contamination of Europe by radioactive elements. The map was created by analyzing soil samples and identifying

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Bacteria Found Despite Disinfection in Meat Production

In a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, it was found that 93 out of 108 samples taken

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700 km Lightning Strike

In a split second, lightning can surge through the air with currents of up to 100,000 amperes, heating the air to temperatures of up to

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Toxic Chemicals Found in German Children

The German Environment Agency has issued a warning that children in Germany have too many long-lasting PFAS chemicals in their blood. The current study is

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Hot Asphalt Creates More Fine Dust

Hot asphalt releases aerosols that form secondary particulate matter in the air. In warm regions, more particulate matter is generated than by the entire road

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Smokers harm non-smokers too.

Smokers continue to expose those around them to harmful chemicals through residue on their clothing, even long after their last cigarette. During a movie screening,

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Neonicotinoids shrink ant colonies.

A new study by scientists at the University of Bern has revealed a previously unknown negative effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide Thiamethoxam on ant colonies.