News Environment

Creating Lightning with Laser

In a groundbreaking experiment, European scientists have successfully triggered lightning in a thundercloud using a laser. The German-French research project was conducted during two thunderstorms

 News Environment

Climate Change Impacts Germany Now

Germany is already experiencing the effects of climate change, which are causing damage to the environment, agriculture, and economy, as well as new health problems

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AI Enables Accurate Lightning Alerts

A new artificial intelligence (AI) can predict lightning strikes up to 30 minutes in advance using weather data. This allows for lightning warnings in regions

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Global Deforestation Revealed by Satellite Images

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has created a global map showing the state of forests using 400,000 data sets. Over the past 70 years, humans

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Continental and Island Collisions Cause Ice Ages

A new study by scientists at the University of California has revealed that the Earth’s climate has been warm and mild for the majority of

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Decline of Insects in Germany

A ten-year study has revealed that the number of insects, species, and biomass has significantly decreased in all regions of Germany. Green and forest areas

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Climate Change Alters Ocean Phytoplankton

The changing climate is affecting the distribution of phytoplankton in the oceans, altering the color of the water and impacting the ocean’s food chain. The

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CO2 destroys cooling ocean clouds.

The rising levels of atmospheric CO2 pose a significant threat to the earth’s cooling systems, particularly the stratocumulus clouds. These clouds cover about 20% of

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Raw Meat Dog Food Contaminated

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Zurich has found that raw meat dog food, also known as Barf-Futter, may pose a

 News Environment

Antarctic ozone hole closes unexpectedly

The ozone hole over Antarctica in 2019 is only about half the size of previous decades and is closing unexpectedly early. The ozone layer acts