News Environment

Global Forest Fires Revealed by ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed an interactive tool called the World Fire Atlas that tracks global wildfires and their progression over time. The

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Flight Turbulence

The occurrence of clear air turbulence (CAT) has significantly increased in recent decades due to climate change, according to researchers. CAT is a strong air

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Chemical-free plant protection against gray mold discovered.

A new RNA-based fungicide could replace chemical fungicides in the fight against gray mold. Gray mold can infect a variety of fruits and vegetables, causing

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City to Ban Combustion Engine Cars

Kopenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is planning to introduce a ban on combustion engine vehicles by 2030. This decision has been approved by all parties

 News Environment

Politics must promote eco-friendly behavior

The German government’s environmental policy has long focused on the industrial sector. However, a recent report by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) suggests that the

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10g Meat Daily: New German Guideline

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has significantly reduced its recommendations for meat consumption. By the end of 2023, the guideline is expected to be

 News Environment

Plastic-eating Fungi and Bacteria Found in China

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, with humans producing around 400 million tons of plastic waste annually. Unfortunately, plastic waste is not biodegradable and

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Denmark stores CO2 under North Sea

Denmark has begun storing significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO?) under the North Sea, marking the first time the country has used the controversial technology

 News Environment

Toilet Paper Contains Eternal Chemicals

Toilet paper additives contain eternal chemicals that can harm human health and the environment. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are slow to degrade in the

 News Environment

Non-degradable Bioplastics in Oceans

The popular bioplastic, Polylactic Acid (PLA), is not biodegradable in the ocean, despite being labeled as such. Plastic waste in the oceans is a significant