News Environment

Threats to the Baltic Sea

The effects of climate change and nutrient pollution in the Baltic Sea are causing dead zones and promoting the spread of disease-causing pathogens. The Baltic

 News Environment

Bananans at risk from climate change and fungus

The effects of climate change are being felt in the world’s largest banana-producing countries, India and Brazil, where rising temperatures and reduced rainfall are leading

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Massive Algae Carpet Spans Africa to Mexico

A massive algae bloom has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, stretching from West Africa to the Caribbean. Scientists at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, part

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Extreme Monster Waves Hit USA

The number of monster waves in the world’s oceans has slightly decreased on average, but according to oceanographers, they are becoming more extreme off the

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Microplastics Spread Through the Air

In a remote mountain region in the French Pyrenees, researchers have discovered a surprisingly high concentration of microplastics. It appears that these small plastic particles

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Detailed lightning structures captured by radio telescope.

Scientists have discovered the reason why thunderclouds often produce multiple lightning strikes. Needle-like structures are responsible for recharging the clouds after each lightning strike, allowing

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Diesel cleaner than electric cars.

A recent study by the ifo Institute has found that electric cars, such as the Tesla Model 3, produce more CO2 emissions than comparable diesel

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Climate change causes extreme floods.

The risk of flooding is increasing due to climate change, and Germany is one of the many regions in the world that is particularly vulnerable

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Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier regrowing

The Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland has been shrinking for years, but NASA has recently discovered that it is suddenly growing again. However, scientists believe that

 News Environment

Building with Wood Benefits Climate

Wood as a building material for houses is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, as it offers many practical advantages, is cheaper than other