News Environment

Marine mammals out-fishing humans

In a surprising turn of events, it has been reported that for the first time in decades, more salmon are being caught by marine mammals

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Rising sea levels swallow islands

The global warming and rising sea levels have already swallowed at least eight Pacific islands. The future for numerous smaller island nations does not look

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Eco-Friendly Bio-Plastics for Packaging

A new type of bioplastic made from renewable resources and biodegradable materials could replace traditional packaging materials in the future. Researchers have been experimenting with

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Scientists predict humanity’s downfall.

The world is facing a crisis as humanity consumes more resources than the Earth can provide, and the planet’s wealth is unequally distributed. Researchers from

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Coasts of North and Baltic Seas polluted by microplastics

Microplastics in northern German waters are attracting toxins at a much higher rate than previously thought, according to a recent study. The tiny plastic particles

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First Harvest on Martian Soil

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have successfully grown vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and peas on simulated Mars and Moon soil. The soil

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Toxic Chemicals Found in Packaged Foods

Swiss environmental researchers have discovered hundreds of toxic chemicals in industrially packaged foods, including plasticizers and solvents. These chemicals enter the body through food consumption

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Investigating the so-called Chemtrails

A group of 80 respected atmospheric scientists have discredited the theory that thick condensation trails, known as “chemtrails,” are the result of intentional chemical releases.

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CO2 turned into stone by researchers

A pilot project in Iceland is attempting to turn CO2 emissions into stone and store them in the ground long-term, rather than simply minimizing their

 News Environment

Dye Found in Food: Textile Color

A non-approved azo dye has been found in a plant extract. According to reports, a textile dye has been found in natural hibiscus and beetroot