News Environment

Atlantic’s CO2 absorption declining

The Atlantic Ocean’s buffering effect on carbon dioxide (CO2) is weakening due to a slowdown in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), according to a

 News Environment

Caribbean Coral Reefs in Danger

The beautiful coral reefs of the Caribbean are in danger, according to British researchers who have found that many of the corals are no longer

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Amazon Rainforest Deforestation: 240k sq km

The fight against deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is showing results, despite a recent study showing that legal and illegal logging has reduced the rainforest

 News Environment

Rising Sea Levels Due to Climate Change

The rise in sea levels is a direct consequence of global warming. Recent research has shown that the sea level is increasing much faster than

 News Environment

Antarctic glaciers breaking due to climate change

A massive crack in Pine Island, Antarctica, caused by the ongoing ice melt, has been observed by NASA in recent months. The space agency estimates

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Storing Energy with Hydrogen

French researchers have found a way to store excess energy produced by wind and solar power plants. The researchers from the Université de Grenoble have

 News Environment

Climate Change Destroys Methane Hydrate

The warming of ocean waters due to changes in the Gulf Stream is posing a threat to the stability of methane hydrate deposits along the

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Climate Change Breaks Food Chain

Researchers warn that numerous animal species will become extinct in the next 100 years due to climate change. However, the direct increase in temperature will

 News Environment

Antarctic ozone hole closes again.

Good news for the environment as scientists have discovered that the ozone hole over Antarctica is continuing to close. This positive trend could see the

 News Environment

Building Solar Power Plants in Desert

The European Union is set to receive environmentally friendly electricity from solar power plants in the northern African deserts. Test power plants in Algeria, Morocco,