News Environment

Mount Everest’s Snow Height Measured

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully modified E. coli bacteria to produce a type of bioplastic that can

 News Environment

Future Fridays’ Instant Traffic Plan

The transportation and building sectors in Germany have exceeded their annual emission limits set by the Climate Protection Act (KSG) in 2022. As a result,

 News Environment

White Special Paint Halts Climate Change

A white special paint that reflects 98 percent of sunlight and infrared heat could potentially stop climate change. Researchers from the University in West Lafayette

 News Environment

Ocean Colors Changing Due to Climate Change

Satellite images have revealed that climate change is affecting phytoplankton in global oceans, leading to changes in their color. This could make the marine CO2

 News Environment

Electricity or Gas: Which is Greener?

A new study by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has revealed when it is more environmentally friendly to heat and cook with

 News Environment

Europe’s Largest Gas Field Shut Down Due to Earthquakes

The largest natural gas field in Europe, located in Groningen, Netherlands, is set to be completely shut down due to the thousands of earthquakes it

 News Environment

USA Allows Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

The United States has become the second country to allow the sale of lab-grown chicken meat, with two companies receiving approval from the Food Safety

 News Environment

Alpine Lightning Doubled by Climate Change

The number of lightning strikes in many Alpine regions has doubled in the last 40 years due to climate change, posing a significant threat to

 News Environment

EU Commission to Ease GMO Rules

The European Commission (EC) is considering allowing the sale of certain genetically modified foods without labeling. However, parts of the German government are against the

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Dog Bite Risk

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent. A recent study by the Potsdam