News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Environment

German start-up creates lab-grown fish

Berlin-based start-up Bluu Seafood, formerly known as Bluu Biosciences, has developed a stem cell technology that allows for the production of lab-grown fish in a

 News Environment

Tasty Meat Alternative: Mealworms

Insects have been touted as a sustainable protein source for the future, but many people are put off by the idea of eating bugs. However,

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Deadly Toxins Released by Cigarette Filters

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, with humans producing around 400 million tons of plastic waste annually. Unfortunately, plastic waste is not biodegradable and

 News Environment

Obesity speeds up climate change.

Obesity is not only a health issue but also an environmental one. According to a recent study by The Obesity Society, people who are overweight

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Farming for Climate Change Solution

The Earth’s atmosphere currently has the highest concentration of CO? in a million years, according to data from the American Meteorological Society. However, natural rock

 News Environment

Rainforests store less CO2 due to water scarcity.

Tropical rainforests absorb significantly less CO? from the atmosphere during periods of water scarcity, a feedback effect that has not been accounted for in most

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Edible packaging made from eggshells

Kopenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is planning to introduce a ban on combustion engine vehicles by 2030. This decision has been approved by all parties

 News Environment

China Builds Mega Renewable Energy Plant

China has taken a significant step towards achieving its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2060 with the launch of a massive combined solar and

 News Environment

Climate Change Absorbs Earth’s Heat

In a world where plastic waste is a growing concern, a team of five students from the University of Hohenheim in Germany has developed an