News Environment

Speeding Drivers in German Cities

German cities have a problem with speeding drivers, according to data from navigation provider TomTom. Traffic psychologists attribute this to the design of the roads

 News Environment

New Sun Record in Germany

Germany Sets New Sun Record in 2022 Germany has experienced a new sun record in 2022, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The particularly

 News Environment

Effective Climate Actions for Road Traffic

A new study has revealed that Germany must significantly reduce its CO2 emissions in the transport sector to achieve its goal of becoming climate-neutral by

 News Environment

Start-up allegedly begins geoengineering.

Make Sunsets, a start-up company, has reportedly begun geoengineering by releasing sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and interrupt climate change. This

 News Environment

Extreme Heat Belt Warning in USA.

A new study by the First Street Foundation has revealed that a region in the United States is set to experience extreme temperatures due to

 News Environment

Nuclear War Starvation Catastrophe

A new study has revealed that in addition to radiation damage, an atomic war would also release soot particles into the atmosphere, which would have

 News Environment

New Global Drought Map

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is crucial for agriculture and

 News Environment

China aims for climate neutrality

China Aims to Build 450 GW of New Solar and Wind Energy Capacity in the Coming Years China has announced plans to build 450 GW

 News Environment

100% Renewable Energy Globally Achievable

The global energy system could be completely transformed to rely on wind, water, and solar power for a cost of $62 trillion, according to a

 News Environment

100 Tons of Plastic Collected

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is particularly important for agriculture.