Story Geology

Deepest Cave on Earth Discovered in Georgia

Scientists have discovered the deepest-known cave on Earth, called Veryovkina Cave. Located in the Arabika Massif of the Gagra mountain range in Georgia, the cave

 News Geology

36-Million-Year Cycle Shaped Life

A recent study by researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Sydney has discovered a 36-million-year cycle of plate tectonics that has led to

 News Geology

Possible title: Ancient Ocean Floor Forms Mountains Inside Earth

New data has revealed that ultra-low-velocity zones (ULVZ) in the Earth’s core are likely made up of ancient ocean floor that has sunk into the

 News Geology

Hot Supercontinent Unsuitable for Mammals

Physicists have achieved a breakthrough in magnetic field shielding, creating an “antimagnet” that can hide the flow of magnetic field lines. The Spanish and Slovakian

 News Geology

Mapping Antarctica’s Sensitive Glacier Floor

New data has been released that shows the rock beneath the Thwaites Glacier, also known as the Doomsday Glacier, which is the most sensitive glacier

 News Geology

Mystery of Earth’s Hemispheres Solved

Scientists have finally solved the mystery of why the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth appear equally bright despite the significant differences in their

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Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories due to the disappearance of over 50 ships

 News Geology

50-Year-Old Geothermal Technology Works

In a breakthrough for geothermal energy, start-up Fervo Energy has developed an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) that can be used in areas where traditional geothermal

 News Geology

Discovery of Gravity Hole Cause

The Indian Ocean is home to the lowest gravity on Earth, and scientists have finally discovered the cause of this gravitational anomaly. The Earth is

 News Geology

Volcanic Eruptions Cool Earth More

A recent study by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that current climate models have underestimated the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions, particularly