News Geology

Europe’s First Earthquake Risk Map

A new interactive map has been created that shows the earthquake risk in Europe, highlighting the regions where earthquakes could cause the most damage to

 News Geology

Mysterious Earth “Heartbeat” Discovered

The Earth has a “heartbeat” that repeats every 27.5 million years, according to a study by a team of geologists at New York University. While

 News Geology

Earth’s Tectonic Chain Reaction Discovered

A new study has revealed the reason behind the rapid shifts in continental plates that have occurred throughout Earth’s history. Geologists have long suspected that

 News Geology

Alien Minerals Found in Meteorite

In a recent study of the El Ali meteorite found in Somalia, scientists have discovered two new minerals that have never been found on Earth

 News Geology

Santorini’s Volcano Controlled by Seawater

A recent study on changes in sea levels during the last four ice ages has revealed that a sustained decrease in sea levels occurred during

 News Geology

Dual State of Earth’s Inner Core

The inner core of the Earth is softer than it should be, according to seismic measurements. This could be due to an exotic state of

 News Geology

Tonga volcano’s impact weaker than expected.

A new study by Chinese scientists has revealed that the cooling effect of the Tonga volcanic eruption on the global climate has been overestimated. The

 News Geology

Radioactive contamination map of Germany.

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has released a new map showing the levels of the radioactive gas radon in Germany. Radon is produced

 News Geology

Earth’s core cools faster

The inner core of the Earth is softer than it should be, according to seismic measurements. This could be due to an exotic state of

 News Geology

Crustal rift fuels mountain growth.

The southern part of the Andes mountain range is growing at an unprecedented rate, three to four times faster than any other ascending region on