News Medicine

Brain Implants Aid Severe Injuries

A new study published on Monday offers hope to the more than five million Americans who suffer from permanent disabilities due to traumatic brain injuries.

 News Medicine

FDA approves breakthrough gene therapies

In a groundbreaking development, the first-ever gene-editing drug for a genetic disease has been approved in the United States. Developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR

 News Medicine

Power Naps Boost Brain Volume

Regular midday naps have been found to increase brain volume in older adults, reducing the risk of dementia and other cognitive diseases. Recent studies have

 News Medicine

Alcohol Increases Risk of 60+ Diseases

Alcohol Increases Risk of 61 Diseases, Including Previously Unrecognized Ones A study conducted on over 500,000 Chinese individuals has revealed that alcohol consumption increases the

 News Medicine

Salt harms human immune system.

A new study from the Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (MDC) has found that a high salt diet can disrupt the control of

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Gene Therapy Rejuvenates Mice

A biotech company has successfully rejuvenated mice through gene therapy, and now aims to extend human life. Rejuvente Bio, based in San Diego, claims to

 News Medicine

Brain’s Memory Storage Mechanism

The human brain is a complex network of cells that constantly change and adapt. Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience have shown that forgetting is not a

 News Medicine

WHO demands China clarify mysterious lung illnesses.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on China to provide information about a recent surge in lung infections among children. The situation has raised

 News Medicine

Coffee Boosts Memory Power

Trigonellin (TG), a plant alkaloid found in coffee, has been found to significantly improve the memory performance of mice. If this effect is also present

 News Medicine

Early Completion of Human Brain Development

New research from the University of Pittsburgh challenges the long-held belief that the human brain does not fully mature until the age of 25. The