News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Tumor Growth

British scientists have confirmed that the cannabis compound Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be used as a therapy against tumor growth. The plant has been found to

 News Medicine

Dangerous Synthetic Vitamins in Cereal

A new report from the American environmental and consumer organization, Environmental Working Group (EWG), has revealed that breakfast cereals, bars, and similar products containing synthetically

 News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Medicine

Gender Differences Unveiled

New research has found that the brains of men and women develop differently during puberty, leading to differences in blood flow. The study, conducted by

 News Medicine

Algae virus lowers human intelligence

A virus that can impair cognitive functions in the human brain has been discovered by a team of scientists from the John Hopkins Medical School

 News Medicine

Cow’s Milk Linked to Osteoporosis

The decision to give up cow’s milk as a source of nutrition can be based on various reasons, including ethical and health-related concerns. Lactose intolerance

 News Medicine

Nanotechnology to conquer cancer

A new breakthrough in cancer research has been made by scientists at the Cancer Research Center of the University of California. They have developed a

 News Medicine

Useless Lab Mice for Research

Experts Doubt the Usefulness of Lab Mice in Medical Research For decades, medical research has relied on experiments conducted on mice. However, experts are now

 News Medicine

Natural Resistance to Cholera Developed

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at Harvard University have found that many people in the Ganges Delta possess a natural immunity to cholera. Over time,

 News Medicine

Too much meat: 40g daily

A recent European study has found that consuming just 40 grams of meat per day dramatically increases the risk of developing serious cardiovascular diseases or