News Medicine

Scientists develop HIV vaccine.

Spanish researchers have developed a new vaccine against the dangerous and previously incurable immune deficiency disease, AIDS. The HIV vaccine is well-tolerated and could reliably

 News Medicine

Instant Sobriety with Nanocapsules

In a groundbreaking discovery, American researchers have found a way to become completely sober within seconds. By administering various enzymes that immediately destroy alcohol in

 News Medicine

Brain Pacemaker Aids Parkinson’s Patients

A new hope for Parkinson’s patients has emerged in the form of a brain implant. For many patients, brain stimulation is proving to be more

 News Medicine

Altered Genes Trigger Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, affecting mostly older individuals but also younger men. A team of researchers from Germany has discovered

 News Medicine

Placebo Research: Medical Experts’ Conclusion

Medical researchers have confirmed that placebos, including medications without active ingredients and empathetic doctors, can help alleviate patients’ pain. This week, numerous international medical professionals

 News Medicine

Prostate Cancer Treatment Study Launched

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men in Germany. A new large-scale study involving 7,600 patients aims to compare and evaluate

 News Medicine

Measles virus fights cancer

German researchers may have found a way to defeat cancer using modified measles viruses to target cancer cells. The scientists at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in Germany

 News Medicine

Plant beats drugs for malaria

A new study conducted by American researchers has found that dried and crushed leaves of the Artemisia plant are significantly more effective in combating malaria

 News Medicine

Gout gene identified by researchers

A team of over 220 researchers has successfully identified the genes responsible for triggering the metabolic disorder, gout, after years of hard work. The researchers

 News Medicine

New type of human brain cells discovered

A European research team has made a groundbreaking discovery of a previously unknown type of cell in the human brain. These nerve cells regulate heart