News Medicine

Biological Pacemaker Developed by Medics

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers are looking to replace the technology of pacemakers with reprogrammed cells. These cells are expected to permanently replace the

 News Medicine

Childhood Obesity Leads to Illnesses

Childhood obesity has become a growing concern in recent years, with more and more children between the ages of eight and 15 becoming overweight. Experts

 News Medicine

Boost Intelligence and Creativity Instantly

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Sydney have created a cap that can enhance creativity and intelligence with the push of a

 News Medicine

Detecting Colon Cancer through Breath

Italian researchers have developed a new diagnostic method that could detect colon cancer through analyzing exhaled breath. The study found that certain gaseous substances were

 News Medicine

Detecting Cancer in Blood Samples

Medics Find a Way to Detect Cancer Tumors in Blood Plasma DNA Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Cancer Center in Baltimore have discovered a

 News Medicine

Eye Implant Restores Sight for Blind

A new breakthrough in medical technology has been made by Second Sight, a US-based company, which has developed a retinal implant that allows blind people

 News Medicine

Molecule in immune system halts Alzheimer’s.

A breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease has been achieved by scientists at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the University of Zurich. By blocking a

 News Medicine

Sweat glands aid wound healing.

In a surprising discovery, American medical researchers have found that human sweat glands play a crucial role in wound healing. These glands are the primary

 News Medicine

Protecting Mucous Membrane from Bacteria

Researchers in the United States have discovered that the mucus produced by human mucosal cells in the respiratory and intestinal tracts contains biological substances that

 News Medicine

Diabetes drug may aid MS

In the search for a cure for the chronic disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an international team of researchers has discovered a diabetes medication that shows