News Medicine

Red Meat: Not as Unhealthy?

A new study has found that it is not red meat that causes inflammation, but rather the weight of the individuals consuming it. Inflammation is

 News Medicine

Surprising Link Found Between Dementia and Physical Work

A new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has found a paradoxical link between physical activity at work and the risk of cognitive

 News Medicine

New Human Taste Discovered

A new sixth taste has been identified by researchers at the University of Southern California. The classic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

 News Medicine

Heatwaves Increase Substance Abuse

A recent study has revealed that extreme heat leads to an increase in hospitalizations due to drug and alcohol abuse. This could be a severely

 News Medicine

Revolutionizing Medicine with Artificial Life

A recent breakthrough in the study of hybrid peptide-DNA nanostructures suggests that artificial organisms could soon be used in medicine. These organisms could potentially be

 News Medicine

Life Expectancy in Germany Decreases Again

Shocking news has emerged from Germany, as the country’s life expectancy has decreased for the third year in a row. According to a study by

 News Medicine

Irregular Sleep Affects Diet & Gut

A new study conducted by researchers at King’s College London has found that individuals with irregular sleep patterns tend to have poorer nutritional quality and

 News Medicine

Obesity Increases Surgery Complication Risk

Obesity and overweight significantly increase the risk of complications after surgery and often hinder the healing process. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity

 News Medicine

Critical Temperature: When is it too hot for humans?

New research from the University of Roehampton has revealed that the upper critical temperature (UCT) of humans is likely to be between 40 and 50

 News Medicine

Fast food chain vending machines pose health risks.

Bacteria, including dangerous strains of Salmonella spp (Salmonella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli (E. coli), are often found in drinks from popular fast-food chain vending