News Medicine

Hairy Moles for Hair Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California has found a potential link between hairy moles and hair loss. The study focused

 News Medicine

New Health Benefits of Fatty Fish

A diet rich in fatty fish has been found to improve the lipophilic index in individuals with coronary heart disease or impaired glucose metabolism. Researchers

 News Medicine

Kids Wearing Diapers More Often

The increasing number of children wearing diapers in Swiss schools has become a cause for concern. This phenomenon is not limited to Switzerland but is

 News Medicine

Climate Change Increases Premature Birth Risk

The risk of premature births increases with rising temperatures, and in Germany, the number of premature births could double by 2033 due to climate change.

 News Medicine

Slow Thinking: A Sign of Intelligence

A new study conducted by researchers at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) has found that people with high IQs actually have slower brains. The

 News Medicine

Painless Vaccine Patch Coming Soon

Biotech company Vaxxas has developed a vaccine patch that can administer vaccines painlessly and needle-free in seconds. The majority of vaccines can only be administered

 News Medicine

Memory and Cognitive Performance Boosted by Laxative

The laxative Prucalopride has been found to increase brain connectivity, improving memory and cognitive function. Previous studies have shown that cognitive and memory disorders are

 News Medicine

Poverty harms babies prenatally.

A new study in Austria is examining the effects of poverty on pregnant women and their newborns. Previous research has shown a correlation between a

 News Medicine

Alcohol Reduces Risk of Stress-Related Heart Attack

Alcohol consumption in moderation can reduce the risk of stress-related heart attacks, with the strongest effect seen in people with anxiety disorders. A study published

 News Medicine

Top Drinks for Optimal Hydration

Adequate hydration is crucial, especially during the summer months. A recent study has examined which drinks are most effective at hydrating the human body. Researchers