News Medicine

The Productivity Paradox: Unpredictable Thinking with Ritalin and Co.

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has revealed that intelligent drugs, such as Ritalin, which are often used by individuals without ADHD

 News Medicine

Artificial Embryo Created Without Egg and Sperm

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Cambridge have created an artificial human embryo without the use of an egg or sperm. The

 News Medicine

Sea Cucumbers Prevent Diabetes

Seegurken, also known as Holothuria scabra, have been found to prevent the formation of glycation end products (AGEs) and potentially lower the risk of diabetes.

 News Medicine

Hydrogel Mask Improves Burn Treatment

A new hydrogel mask created by 3D printing technology has been developed to reduce the pain and speed up the healing process for burn patients

 News Medicine

Insect-Infused Food Fights Chronic Illness

In a recent development, the European Union has approved crickets as a food source. A study conducted by the Colorado State University has shown that

 News Medicine

Unexplained Miscarriages: Causes Discovered

A new classification system has been developed that can explain almost all pregnancy losses, providing patients with better post-care support. In the US, there are

 News Medicine

“Broken Heart” Affects Physical Health

The loss of loved ones can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Researchers at the University of Arizona have investigated whether

 News Medicine

Married Seniors Have Lower Dementia Risk

Married seniors with long-lasting marriages are less likely to develop dementia than those who are single. This risk decreases even further if the married couple

 News Medicine

Detecting Dementia 9 Years Early

A new study has found that early signs of dementia can be detected up to nine years before symptoms appear through health data and cognitive

 News Medicine

Chinese Top Researcher Doesn’t Rule Out Lab-Origin of Covid-19

In a surprising turn of events, a leading scientist who headed the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Covid-19 pandemic has