News Medicine

Ideal Sleep Temperature for Seniors

A new study has found that seniors are disproportionately affected by sleep disorders, with many experiencing shorter and more disturbed sleep than recommended. While previous

 News Medicine

Light vs. Heavy Weights: Which is Better for Building Muscle?

A recent meta-analysis conducted by researchers at McMaster University has shed light on the long-standing debate in the bodybuilding community about whether light or heavy

 News Medicine

Unhealthy Diet Disrupts Deep Sleep Recovery

A new study conducted by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden has found that an unhealthy diet can negatively impact the restorative properties of deep

 News Medicine

Coffee vs. Caffeine: Effects Compared

Coffee is a popular beverage that many people consume to increase their alertness and productivity. Researchers at the University of Minho in Portugal, led by

 News Medicine

Beet Molecule Boosts Muscle Strength

Nitrate, an active molecule found in beetroot, has been found to significantly increase maximum muscle strength during fitness training. A study conducted by the University

 News Medicine

Insect-derived substance kills resistant bacteria.

Millions of people die each year due to infections caused by multi-resistant bacteria, including the dangerous hospital germ MRSA. Traditional antibiotics are becoming increasingly ineffective

 News Medicine

Implant Energy from Blood Sugar

Swiss researchers from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) have developed a tiny fuel cell that can generate energy for implants and regulate blood sugar

 News Medicine

Beer Belly Cause Discovered

A new study has revealed that a beer belly is not only caused by poor diet and lack of exercise, but also by poor sleep.

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Male Fertility

Cannabis Use Linked to Decreased Sperm Production A recent study conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has found that regular

 News Medicine

Cola Boosts Testosterone and Testicle Size

A new study has found that high consumption of cola can increase testosterone levels and lead to the growth of testicles. The study, conducted by