News Medicine

Non-hormonal male contraception with “Pille”

A new breakthrough in male contraception has been discovered by a team of researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College. Currently, men can only prevent unwanted

 News Medicine

Global trend: Longer penises

The average size of erect penises has been increasing globally, according to a metastudy conducted by researchers at Stanford University. The study, led by urologist

 News Medicine

CD95 Activation Triggers Cancer Cell Self-Destruction

A breakthrough in cancer treatment may be on the horizon, as researchers at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center have discovered a mechanism that encourages

 News Medicine

Red Meat Increases Diabetes Risk

Red meat, such as beef and lamb, significantly increases the risk of diabetes. Instead, people should consume alternative protein sources such as nuts and legumes.

 News Medicine

New Tick Virus Spreading in Europe

Tick-borne Alongshan virus (ALSV) was first discovered in China in 2017. Recently, the virus has been detected in Germany for the first time. ALSV is

 News Medicine

Vegetarians at Higher Risk of Hip Fractures

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds has found that vegetarians are more likely to suffer from hip fractures than those

 News Medicine

Cannabis and Weight Loss: Explained

A recent study has found that despite the common “munchies” effect associated with cannabis consumption, regular users of the drug tend to have lower body

 News Medicine

Tiny robots deliver drugs to organs.

A new micro-robot has been developed that can travel through the body and administer medication to organs over extended periods. This technology could potentially help

 News Medicine

Alcohol worsens brain inflammation

Alcohol addiction is a vicious cycle that triggers changes in the brain and behavior. People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) exhibit risky behavior and impulsivity,

 News Medicine

Salary Comparison Causes Physical Pain

A new study has found that people with lower incomes are more likely to experience physical pain than their wealthier counterparts, regardless of whether they