News Medicine

New virus infects dozens in China.

Dozens of people in China have been infected with the newly discovered Langya-Henipavirus (LayV), which is believed to have originated from animals. According to a

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation affects human perception.

Sleep deprivation has long been known to cause lack of concentration and fatigue. However, a recent study has found that it also alters a person’s

 News Medicine

Unhealthy Lifestyle Costs Men 23 Years

A new study by German scientists has found that a combination of five blood serum markers and lifestyle factors can accurately predict life expectancy. Men

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Against Colds

A Covid-19 vaccination can lead to cross-immunization that protects against seasonal coronaviruses, according to a recent study. While this effect may not completely prevent a

 News Medicine

Energy Drinks: Harmful to Kids?

Energy drinks have been found to cause various mental and physical health problems in children, with high consumption even being associated with later drug addiction.

 News Medicine

COVID-19 and AfD Voting Correlation

A recent study conducted by the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ) in collaboration with an epidemiologist from the Helmholtz Center in Munich has found

 News Medicine

Pig Heart Transplanted into Human

A groundbreaking medical procedure has taken place in the United States, where a person with a life-threatening heart condition has received a genetically modified pig

 News Medicine

Possible Cause of Cancer Metastasis Discovered

Researchers at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg have discovered why the removal of a tumor can promote the formation of metastases and how

 News Medicine

WHO warns of deadly fungal infections.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about the dangers of life-threatening fungal infections that are spreading rapidly across the globe due to

 News Medicine

Vaping linked to heart rhythm issues.

E-cigarette liquids have been found to contain ingredients that can slow down heart rate and affect the heart’s conduction system, potentially leading to sudden cardiac