News Medicine

Universal Flu Vaccine with Antibodies

A breakthrough discovery by scientists at the University of Chicago could pave the way for a universal flu vaccine that provides lifelong protection against influenza

 News Medicine

Majority of Germans value vaccinations

A recent study conducted by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) has revealed that an increasing number of Germans have a positive attitude towards vaccinations.

 News Medicine

Cause of heart inflammation post-COVID vaccine

New research from the University of Saarland has discovered the cause of a rare side effect of mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. In approximately one to

 News Medicine

New Understanding of Human Hearing

New research from the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Linköping University has revealed that the human ear processes language, music, and other information

 News Medicine

Women Eat Healthier than Men

A recent study conducted by scientists at Tufts University has found that the global population’s diet has not significantly improved over the past 30 years.

 News Medicine

Climate Change Spreads Brain-Eating Amoeba

The climate change is causing the often deadly single-celled organism Naegleria fowler, also known as the brain-eating amoeba, to spread to new areas. According to

 News Medicine

Delay Dementia with Vitamin Cocktail

A new study conducted by scientists at Wake Forest University has found that a special multivitamin supplement can slow down cognitive decline in seniors by

 News Medicine

Vegans: Strong and Enduring

Vegan athletes have better endurance than meat-eaters, according to a study by the University of Quebec. The research, published in the European Journal of Clinical

 News Medicine

Politicians live longer than general population.

Politicians in wealthy countries like Germany live longer than the rest of the population, with a difference in life expectancy of up to seven years.

 News Medicine

New Mask Warns Against Flu and Coronavirus

A new protective mask has been developed that can detect flu and coronavirus viruses in the air, warning users of dangerous environments. According to a