News Medicine

Men’s risky behavior leads to more sick leave

A recent study by the Barmer Krankenkasse has found that men in Germany are more frequently absent from work due to illness than women, due

 News Medicine

Gaming linked to health issues

The German Sports University in Cologne has raised concerns about the health consequences of gaming on e-sports players. According to their latest research, not only

 News Medicine

Slime Robots for Human Use

A new slime robot may soon be used inside the human body. Scientists at the University of Hong Kong have developed a magnetic slime that

 News Medicine

Deadly HIV Mutation Found in Netherlands

A new variant of the HIV virus has been discovered in the Netherlands, with a significantly higher viral load and potential for easier transmission. Researchers

 News Medicine

Human Heat Tolerance Lower Than Expected

New research has found that humans are less able to tolerate hot and humid weather than previously thought. Even a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius

 News Medicine

Schizophrenia linked to gene mutation

A groundbreaking study has identified a gene mutation that affects the brain’s gatekeeper as the cause of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects

 News Medicine

Mobile Phones Don’t Increase Children’s Tumor Risk

A new study has found that mobile phone use does not increase the risk of tumors in children. Previous studies have primarily focused on adults,

 News Medicine

Cars more contaminated than toilets

Did you know that the average steering wheel in a car has 146 different types of bacteria living on it? That’s four times more bacteria

 News Medicine

Why People Can’t Tolerate Bread

New research has challenged the long-held belief that wheat is the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic condition that affects around

 News Medicine

Patch more effective than injection

A new vaccine patch has been found to be 11 times more effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus than the same vaccine administered