News Medicine

Reviving Cells After Death

Reviving Human Cells Hours After Death: A Breakthrough in Organ Preservation and Blindness Treatment In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the Moran Eye Center of

 News Medicine

Overestimation of IQ and Brain Size Relationship

A high IQ is often associated with a large brain, but a recent metastudy suggests that this correlation is greatly overestimated. While several studies have

 News Medicine

Identifying Biomarkers for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A breakthrough discovery has been made by researchers in Australia regarding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI).

 News Medicine

Hydrodissection for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A new study has found that a less invasive treatment called hydrodissection can be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome instead of surgery. Carpal tunnel

 News Medicine

Can Nose Picking Cause Dementia?

Bacteria can enter the human brain through nose-picking, and a recent study investigates whether this can lead to dementia. The Griffith University study in Queensland,

 News Medicine

Revived Testicular Tissue Produces Sperm

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania offers hope to prepubescent boys who may become infertile due to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can kill the sperm-producing

 News Medicine

First Patient Receives Anti-Cancer Pill

A new anti-cancer pill called AOH1996 has been given to its first patient, with promising results reported by researchers at the City of Hope, one

 News Medicine

Digital Medication Tracking Saves Lives

A complete digital recording and evaluation of all prescription drugs could prevent 70,000 deaths per year in Germany. The Barmer health insurance company, in collaboration

 News Medicine

Stop Cancer Metastasis with Cholesterol-Lowering

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the Charité in Berlin has found that cholesterol-lowering drugs, known as statins, may be effective in stopping cancer

 News Medicine

Obesity Epidemic Sweeps Europe

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report stating that obesity and overweight have reached “epidemic proportions” in Europe. The report reveals that more