News Medicine

Criminal Minds: Smaller Brains

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University College London (UCL) has found that individuals who exhibit chronic antisocial behavior, such as theft, as

 News Medicine

Natural brake prevents cocaine addiction

New research has found that the interaction between the stimulating neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the brain can determine whether or not a person develops

 News Medicine

More Treatments for Problematic Cannabis Use

The use of cannabis in Europe has increased by a quarter between 2010 and 2019, according to a study by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.

 News Medicine

4% of House Cats Had COVID

A recent study conducted in four European countries analyzed 2,160 blood samples from domestic cats for the coronavirus. The results showed that around four percent

 News Medicine

Alcohol Aids Language Learning

In a surprising discovery, researchers from the University of Maastricht, the University of Liverpool, and King’s College London have found that consuming small amounts of

 News Medicine

Why Champagne Gets You Drunk Faster Than Wine

A new study has revealed that despite having almost identical alcohol content, champagne and white wine affect the body differently. Researchers from The Medical Council

 News Medicine

Alcohol Abuse in Certain Professions

Alcohol consumption is heavily influenced by profession and gender, with tradespeople being particularly prone to excessive drinking, according to a study by the University of

 News Medicine

Rise in Hospitalizations from Cannabis in Germany

The number of hospitalizations due to cannabinoid-associated mental disorders has significantly increased in Germany, and the legalization of the drug could trigger further growth. According

 News Medicine

Robot Outperforms Doctors in Complex Surgery

In a groundbreaking development, an autonomous robot has successfully performed four complex intestinal surgeries without any human assistance. The results were even better than those

 News Medicine

Regeneration: Frog grows new leg

A new drug cocktail has led to the regeneration of a new leg in frogs after amputation, raising the possibility of improving human regeneration abilities