News Medicine

Aspirin Increases Heart Failure Risk?

A recent study has shown that taking aspirin as a preventative measure can significantly increase the risk of heart failure. Aspirin, which contains acetylsalicylic acid

 News Medicine

Health insurance demands cost sharing for unvaccinated against Covid-19.

The German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) has called for cost-sharing for unvaccinated individuals receiving hospital treatment, a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated,

 News Medicine

ICU Overload Causes Excess Mortality

The occupancy of intensive care units (ICUs) with COVID-19 patients is directly linked to an increase in mortality rates in the general population. This means

 News Medicine

Facial Muscles Reveal Lies

A new technology has been developed that can detect lies based on subtle muscle reactions in the face. This breakthrough could lead to the use

 News Medicine

German doctors demand mandatory vaccinations.

The German Professional Association of Pediatricians is calling for the introduction of a general Covid-19 vaccination mandate in Germany. Despite the potential violation of bodily

 News Medicine

Global Tobacco Consumption Declines

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global tobacco consumption has decreased, but still, seven million people die each year due to smoking-related illnesses, including

 News Medicine

Majority in Germany favors mandatory vaccination

A majority of Germans are in favor of a general vaccination mandate for all, according to a recent survey conducted by RTL and ntv. The

 News Medicine

Cannabis: Aggression, Anxiety, and Stress

A recent study conducted by the Icahn School of Medicine and the City University of New York has found that consuming cannabis during pregnancy can

 News Medicine

90% Vaccination Rate for Herd Immunity

The effectiveness of all vaccines against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is significantly lower, making a vaccination rate of 90 percent necessary to achieve herd

 News Medicine

Beware of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in dog food.

Raw frozen dog food often contains multi-resistant bacteria that can also infect humans, according to a study by researchers at the University of Porto. The