News Medicine

BioNTech tests mRNA vaccine for skin cancer

Biontech, the company behind the successful Covid-19 vaccine, is now testing a new mRNA cancer vaccine called BNT111. The vaccine is being tested on 120

 News Medicine

CRISPRoff: Permanently Deactivating Genes

Scientists at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have developed a gene switch called CRISPRoff that can permanently deactivate individual genes without altering DNA. The

 News Medicine

Long COVID: 76% Suffer Late Effects

A majority of Covid-19 patients continue to experience at least one symptom of the disease six months after being discharged from the hospital, according to

 News Medicine

Germany’s Low Mortality Amid Pandemic

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Germany experienced a lower mortality rate in 2020, according to a new calculation by scientists at the University Hospital Essen. The

 News Medicine

Memory Issues in Covid-19 Survivors

Covid-19 survivors are experiencing reduced cognitive function months after recovering from the illness, according to a study by scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine

 News Medicine

Flu shots lower dementia risk

A regular flu shot significantly reduces the risk of dementia in old age, according to a recent study by the Saint Louis University School of

 News Medicine

Car Noise Increases Dementia Risk

A new study conducted by scientists at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute in Denmark has found that long-term exposure to noise pollution from road and

 News Medicine

Successful Pig Kidney Transplant in Humans

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors have successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a human for the first time. The transplant was made possible by

 News Medicine

Antidote prevents antibiotic side effects.

Antibiotics are known to attack not only harmful bacteria but also the beneficial ones in the gut, causing long-term changes in the gut microbiome of

 News Medicine

COVID-19 only slightly lowers life expectancy in Germany

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on life expectancy in many developed nations. However, in Germany, the decrease in life expectancy has been