News Medicine

Low-Income Workers Lag in Vaccination

In Germany, there is a significant difference in COVID-19 vaccination rates between high and low-income earners, according to a study by the Economic and Social

 News Medicine

Obesity in Pregnancy Increases Child’s Colon Cancer Risk

Obesity during pregnancy doubles the risk of colon cancer in children, according to a recent study published in the journal Gut. This finding supports the

 News Medicine

Covid-19 vaccine protection decreases significantly

A new study conducted by scientists at King’s College London has found that the protection offered by the AstraZeneca and Biontech/Pfizer vaccines against Covid-19 decreases

 News Medicine

mRNA-based HIV vaccine study

Moderna, a biotechnology company, has begun a ten-month Phase I study with 56 participants to test the first mRNA-based vaccine against HIV. The study aims

 News Medicine

Similar viral load in vaccinated and unvaccinated infected individuals.

A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford has found that the viral load of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is similar

 News Medicine

3D Printer Creates Deadly Brain Tumor

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Tel Aviv University have successfully created a fully functional 3D model of the Glioblastoma tumor. This artificial mini-tumor is

 News Medicine

Surprising Increase in COVID Vaccine Breakthroughs

A startling new report has revealed that at least 20% of newly diagnosed Covid-19 cases in some US states are breakthrough infections, occurring in fully

 News Medicine

10% of Germans reject Covid vaccine

A quarter of the adult population in Germany is either completely against getting vaccinated against Covid-19 or hesitant to do so, making it highly unlikely

 News Medicine

Underestimating Alcohol Intake

Many people underestimate their blood alcohol level, according to a recent experiment conducted by scientists at the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany. The study, published

 News Medicine

Smartwatch monitors insulin production.

In recent years, smartwatches and fitness trackers have become increasingly popular due to their ability to track various body functions such as heart rate, steps