News Medicine

Flu vaccine safe during pregnancy

A new study has found that getting a flu shot during pregnancy does not increase the risk of asthma, autism, or other illnesses in children.

 News Medicine

New Coronavirus Found in British Bats

A new coronavirus has been discovered in the UK, which could potentially be dangerous to humans if it crosses with SARS-CoV-2. Bats have been living

 News Medicine

Fungal Vaccine Halts Gut Inflammation

A new vaccine against aggressive fungi could potentially help people with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease. Researchers at the University of Utah

 News Medicine

Germany faces fourth Covid-19 wave

Germany is facing a potential fourth wave of Covid-19, with a rapid increase in cases predicted from October 2021. According to a report by scientists

 News Medicine

New drug treats celiac disease.

A breakthrough in the treatment of celiac disease has been announced by scientists at the University Medical Center in Mainz, Germany. Celiac disease is an

 News Medicine

Industry seeks to use E-patient record data for research

The German industry is calling for easier access to electronic patient record data, claiming that current regulations are endangering “cutting-edge health data research” in the

 News Medicine

Stopping Coronavirus Spread with Crispr

A new treatment method has been developed by scientists at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia, using the enzyme Crispr/Cas13b

 News Medicine

Viagra may prevent Alzheimer’s

Viagra May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Finds A recent study conducted by scientists at the Lerner Research Institute of the Cleveland Clinic has

 News Medicine

Driving for hours reduces intelligence.

Regular long-distance driving and excessive television watching have been found to reduce IQ, according to a study conducted by the University of Leicester and Leicester

 News Medicine

Non-smokers can get lung cancer

A groundbreaking study by the US National Cancer Institute has found that lung cancer in non-smokers is primarily caused by internal processes rather than external