News Medicine

Coffee lowers liver disease risk.

Coffee consumption has been linked to numerous health benefits in recent years, including weight loss and a reduced risk of multiple sclerosis. Now, a new

 News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology

 News Medicine

Legionella risk rises during lockdown

The lockdown has led to optimal conditions for the growth of Legionella bacteria in many facilities, which could result in a significant increase in Legionnaires’

 News Medicine

Nanochip reprograms living tissue

A new nanochip has been developed that can reprogram tissue functions in the living body by transmitting specific genes through electrical impulses in a matter

 News Medicine

Brain Shows Obesity Risk

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Turku in Finland has found that disruptions in brain regions that control appetite and satiety

 News Medicine

Pupil Size Indicates Human Intelligence

The eye has always been a fascinating topic for poets, lyricists, and scientists alike. It is often referred to as the window to the soul,

 News Medicine

Do mRNA Vaccines Affect Male Fertility?

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Miami has found that mRNA Covid-19 vaccines do not negatively impact male fertility. Concerns have

 News Medicine

Bacteria Develop Record Resistance to Combination Drugs

A new combination of antimicrobial substances, designed to combat bacteria classified as particularly dangerous by the World Health Organization (WHO), has already developed resistance against

 News Medicine

Gaming improves numerical skills.

Regular computer gaming improves numerical sense, according to a study by scientists at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in Tübingen, Germany. The researchers

 News Medicine

Ketamine treatment erases traumatic memories.

A new study conducted by scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria has found that a combination of ketamine and 60-hertz light