News Medicine

COVID-19 Increases Sudden Cardiac Deaths

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected the lungs but also the brain and other organs of the human body. One of the known complications

 News Medicine

German Health Offices Use Fax

The fight against the Covid-19 pandemic requires a rapid contact tracing system. However, many health authorities in Germany still rely on paper and fax instead

 News Medicine

Smartwatches detect Covid-19 early

Smartwatches and fitness trackers can diagnose Covid-19 before symptoms appear, according to two independent studies by scientists at the Mount Sinai Health System and Stanford

 News Medicine

Wealthy People More Cautious During Covid

A recent study conducted by the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) has found that individuals with higher incomes have been more likely to adapt their behavior

 News Medicine

Germany’s lockdown until January’s end insufficient.

The Covid-Simulator developed by scientists at the University of Saarland predicts that the lockdown in Germany must continue until mid-February to achieve less than 50

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Becomes Harmless for Humanity

According to a recent study by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta, based on four human coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 will become harmless to humans in the

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes: A Gateway to Smoking

A new study conducted by the University of California in San Diego has found that teenagers who use e-cigarettes are three times more likely to

 News Medicine

Morning Red Light Boosts Vision

Aging can cause a decrease in energy production in the mitochondria of the cells, leading to a decline in vision. However, a study conducted by

 News Medicine

RNA in Blood Predicts COVID-19 Mortality

Montreal (Canada) – A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal has found that the viral RNA in the blood of Covid-19

 News Medicine

Genetic Differences in Identical Twins

A recent study conducted by deCODE Genetics, a company that specializes in identifying genes through population-based studies, has found that genetic differences can occur in