News Medicine

Low COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Eastern Germany

The willingness to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 is particularly low in the eastern states of Germany. Overall, Germany’s vaccination readiness is below average compared to

 News Medicine

Masks offer limited protection against SARS-CoV-2

A recent study conducted by Copenhagen University Hospital has found that surgical masks do not provide significant protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection for the wearer. The

 News Medicine

Smoking and COVID-19: A Deadly Combination

Smoking Hampers the Formation and Maturation of Respiratory Stem Cells, Increasing the Risk of Severe Covid-19 A recent study conducted by scientists at the University

 News Medicine

New Target for Possible HIV Treatment

Austrian researchers have identified a previously unknown mechanism of the HIV virus that plays a central role in its replication in the human body. Despite

 News Medicine

Scarless Healing with Wound Gel

A new wound gel has been developed that activates the immune system and accelerates the healing of skin injuries. This medication could potentially prevent scarring

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Risk Calculator Online

A new algorithm has been developed that calculates an individual’s risk of infection in indoor spaces based on current research. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is known

 News Medicine

Electric Brain Stimulation Boosts Creativity

A recent study published in the journal Brain Structure and Function has found that deactivating certain regions of the brain through transcranial direct current stimulation

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging with New Cell Therapy

A new cell therapy has been developed by scientists at the University of Bern that can reverse the aging process in mice. The therapy is

 News Medicine

Bayern: Six times more infected children

A recent study conducted in Bavaria, Germany, has revealed that many children who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 went undetected due to the mild or asymptomatic

 News Medicine

Accurate COVID-19 Detection via Breath Test

A new GC-IMS breath test has been developed that can detect COVID-19 with 80% accuracy. The results are available almost immediately, making it a potential