News Medicine

Salt-sensitive hypertension drug discovered.

A breakthrough study by the Boston University has found that a class of drugs known as selective Alpha1-Adrenoreceptor-Blockers could help reduce salt-sensitive hypertension in humans.

 News Medicine

Everyday Masks Effective Against Aerosols

According to recent experiments, cloth masks with large mesh sizes can still reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Social distancing and wearing a mask are

 News Medicine

Low COVID-19 Vaccination Readiness in Germany

A recent study conducted by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has revealed that the willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine varies significantly between

 News Medicine

New Human Organ Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam have identified a previously unknown organ at the entrance of the Eustachian tube.

 News Medicine

Body’s opioids increase religious connection.

Religious rituals have been found to release opioids in the brain, significantly increasing the sense of connection between participants. These rituals, which involve synchronous movements,

 News Medicine

Germany to Reach 20,000 Daily COVID-19 Cases

Alarming news has emerged from the University of Saarland, which predicts that Germany could see 20,000 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per day within the

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Causes Excess Mortality in Europe

A new study from the Imperial College London has revealed that the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in Europe is much higher than official

 News Medicine

New Pig Coronavirus Infects Human Cells

A new study has found that the Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (SADS-CoV), which has a mortality rate of 90% in piglets, can also infect

 News Medicine

Rising prevalence of third arm artery

The anatomy of humans is evolving at a rapid pace in evolutionary terms. In 1880, only about ten percent of adults had a median artery,

 News Medicine

Mask mandate cuts COVID-19 cases

A new study has found that a general mask mandate in public spaces significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, a complete lockdown of social life and