News Medicine

Unlikely Immunity After Asymptomatic COVID-19

A recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine has revealed that SARV-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can cause health damage even in individuals

 News Medicine

Socioeconomic Factors Affect Heart Surgery Recovery

A new screening tool has been developed to identify patients at high risk of reduced postoperative quality of life due to socioeconomic factors. Researchers from

 News Medicine

High Temperatures Increase SARS-CoV-2 Half-Life

A new study has found that higher temperatures can significantly increase the half-life of infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles. The virus is primarily transmitted through aerosols and

 News Medicine

Loneliness Alters Brain Activity

Loneliness and social isolation have become increasingly prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting people of all ages. A recent study published in the International Psychogeriatrics

 News Medicine

New genes linked to alcoholism

A groundbreaking study has identified 19 genes associated with alcoholism, shedding light on the biological processes that lead to addiction and paving the way for

 News Medicine

New Antibiotic Fights Resistant Bacteria

A new antibiotic called Irresistin has been developed that has a dual effect, killing all known multi-resistant bacteria and suppressing resistance development. This breakthrough comes

 News Medicine

Blood tests predict Covid-19 progression.

A new study from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China has found that a combination of low killer T-cells and high

 News Medicine

New Sensor Measures Blood Sugar Non-Invasively

A new glove with electromagnetic sensors can measure blood sugar levels as accurately as traditional blood tests. The results will be transmitted to a smartphone

 News Medicine

Chromosome Decay Causes Cancer

Chromothripsis, or chromosome explosions, have been found in 49% of all cancer cases. These tumors are more aggressive than those caused by slow mutations and

 News Medicine

Growing Human Skin with Hair and Nerves from Stem Cells

Scientists have successfully grown nearly complete human skin from embryonic stem cells, which could be used in the future to treat skin diseases, reconstructive surgery