News Medicine

Meaningful Life Improves Health

A sense of purpose in life is linked to better physical and mental health, particularly in those over 60 years old, according to a study

 News Medicine

Training reduces endurance muscles.

New research from the University of Basel has found that strength training releases a chemical called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which reduces endurance muscle in

 News Medicine

Reduce Stress with 20 Minutes in Nature

A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology has found that spending time in nature can significantly reduce stress levels. Researchers from the

 News Medicine

Gentle Parodontitis Treatment with Polymer Sticks

A new treatment for severe periodontitis has been developed by scientists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in Germany. Currently, patients with severe periodontitis are

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Radiation and Shift Work Increase Cancer Risk for Flight Crew

A new study from Harvard University has found that flight attendants and pilots are twice as likely to develop cancer due to high levels of

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Man mistakenly declared dead before surgery.

Doctors have successfully induced a patient into a state of suspended animation, using extreme cooling techniques, to perform a life-saving operation. The patient’s brain activity

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Preventing Cavities with Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum can reduce the risk of tooth decay by 28%, according to a recent meta-study. However, the exact mechanism behind this effect is

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Sleep deprivation increases unhealthy cravings.

Sleep deprivation leads to a disrupted information exchange in the brain, causing people to consume more high-energy foods. According to scientists, a better understanding of

 News Medicine

Green Vegetable Juice for Inflammation and Dental Health

Green vegetable juice contains nitrate, which is converted into a natural anti-inflammatory agent by bacteria in the oral cavity. The juice treatment significantly reduces chronic

 News Medicine

Go Vegetarian to Reduce Gout Risk

Gout, a metabolic disorder caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, is becoming increasingly common in industrialized countries, particularly among men.