News Medicine

Turmeric-infused foam heals scars-free wounds.

A new polymer foam infused with turmeric has been developed by scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) that can

 News Medicine

Orange Juice Healthier Than Whole Fruit

Oranges are known for their high levels of natural antioxidants, including carotenoids and flavonoids, which protect cells from harmful environmental factors and reduce the risk

 News Medicine

City Rats Spread Resistant Bacteria

A recent study conducted by the Veterinary University of Vienna has found that 60% of rats caught in the city carry multi-resistant bacteria, posing a

 News Medicine

Chinese Herb Fights Black Skin Cancer

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been discovered by scientists at the University of Graz in Austria. Traditional Chinese medicine has been found to contain

 News Medicine

Cancer-causing Pulegone found in e-cigarette liquids.

A recent study conducted by scientists at Duke University School of Medicine has found that Pulegone, a monocyclic monoterpene ketone, has been detected in high

 News Medicine

Reduce Heart Disease Risk with Naps

A new study has found that taking one or two short naps per week can reduce stress levels and improve overall health. However, frequent napping

 News Medicine

5+ Beers a Week Increases Mortality

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that the current alcohol consumption limits set by various countries are too high. The

 News Medicine

Beer triggers dopamine in brain.

Beer contains an ingredient called hordenine that activates the reward center of the brain, similar to the way dopamine does. Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

 News Medicine

Moving Human Corpses a Year After Death

A new study published in the Forensic Science International: Synergy journal has revealed that human corpses can move for up to 17 months after death.

 News Medicine

Alcohol-induced brain damage persists

Alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the brain, which continues to damage nerve tissue even after weeks of abstinence. In Germany, only three percent of