News Medicine

Father’s Alcohol Consumption and Baby’s Heart Defects

A recent metastudy analyzing data from over 300,000 people has found that regular alcohol consumption by fathers before conception increases the risk of heart defects

 News Medicine

Sodas shorten life expectancy: WHO

A new study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has found that consuming half

 News Medicine

Weak Immune System Linked to Obesity

A weak immune system can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria, leading to increased fat absorption and weight gain. While high energy intake is meant

 News Medicine

Growing Teeth from Body Cells

Scientists have successfully grown a tooth germ from a patient’s own cells that can be implanted into the jaw and form a new tooth, even

 News Medicine

Boost Brain Power with Theta Waves

A groundbreaking experimental treatment that synchronizes theta waves in the brain has significantly improved the memory performance of seniors after just 25 minutes. This treatment

 News Medicine

Neglect of Dental Check-Ups Worldwide

The world is facing a dental crisis, with 3.5 billion people suffering from oral health problems due to high sugar consumption, poor oral hygiene, and

 News Medicine

Grape Juice Prevents Muscle Loss in Space

Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes, has been shown to prevent muscle wasting in rats during low-gravity conditions. This discovery could potentially help astronauts on

 News Medicine

Metabolic Genes Linked to Anorexia

Magersucht, also known as anorexia nervosa, has long been thought to be caused by psychological issues. However, recent research suggests that metabolic factors may also

 News Medicine

Platinum nanoparticles fight liver cancer.

Platinum nanoparticles could replace molecular biological drugs in cancer treatment due to their low side effects. Currently, molecular biological drugs are used in cancer treatment

 News Medicine

Interval Fasting Reduces Diabetes Risk

New research from the German Institute of Nutrition and the German Center for Diabetes Research has found that intermittent fasting can reduce the risk of