News Medicine

Processed Foods Cause Obesity

A new study by the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) has found a clear causal link between the consumption of highly processed foods and

 News Medicine

New glue seals internal wounds quickly.

Chinese scientists have developed a new wound adhesive that can seal even heavily bleeding heart injuries in just a few seconds. The adhesive has already

 News Medicine

Genetic Test Detects Depression Risk

Scientists have discovered a genetic profile that can predict the risk of depression in children and adolescents. This breakthrough could lead to early detection and

 News Medicine

Birth Control Shrinks Brain Region

A recent pilot study has found that the use of oral contraceptives, such as the birth control pill, can shrink the hypothalamus in women. The

 News Medicine

Killer Viruses Target Superbugs

Genetically modified phages have shown great potential in combating multi-resistant bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, these viruses have no side effects because they only target specific pathogens.

 News Medicine

Healing Earth with Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria

Scientists have discovered microbes in the alkaline soil of an ancient Druidic site in Northern Ireland that can inhibit the growth of multi-resistant infection-causing bacteria.

 News Medicine

Bargain Hunters More Likely Overweight

A recent study conducted by Cancer Research UK has found that individuals who frequently purchase items on offer are more likely to be overweight or

 News Medicine

Autonomous Robot Catheter Moves to Heart with Artificial Intelligence

Scientists have successfully tested a robot catheter that can autonomously move through the heart using touch sensors and a mini camera. In animal trials with

 News Medicine

Equal Lung Damage from Heated Tobacco and Cigarettes

A recent study conducted by independent researchers from India and Australia has found that both tobacco heating devices and e-cigarettes are just as harmful to

 News Medicine

Friction Electricity Powers New Pacemaker

Chinese scientists have developed a triboelectric power supply that generates energy for pacemakers from the movement of the heart. Successful animal trials with pigs have