News Medicine

Measles Erase Immune System Memory

The measles virus is causing a significant portion of the immune system’s antibodies to be destroyed, making people more susceptible to a range of diseases

 News Medicine

3D-Printed Biodegradable Bone Implant

Scientists have developed a new magnesium implant that can accelerate healing due to its fine pores. The mold was created using a 3D printer and

 News Medicine

Genetic Mutation Reduces Sleep Needs

A new study by scientists at the University of California in San Francisco has identified a gene responsible for reducing the amount of sleep some

 News Medicine

Malnutrition not uncommon in severe obesity.

A new study from the University of Queensland has found that malnutrition is not uncommon among obese individuals, and can triple the risk of death

 News Medicine

Hard Water Causes Skin Problems

Hard water from the tap not only damages various household appliances through calcification, but can also be responsible for skin diseases and eczema, according to

 News Medicine

Better Sleep with Dogs in Bed

Dogs are not only known as man’s best friend, but also as a better sleeping partner – at least for women. According to a recent

 News Medicine

Cosmetics in Pregnancy Accelerate Puberty

A new long-term study has revealed the impact of cosmetic ingredients on pregnant women, which can lead to earlier onset of puberty in their children.

 News Medicine

New cream grows enamel over damaged teeth

A groundbreaking new development in modern dentistry has been made by American researchers who have created a cream that can regenerate damaged tooth enamel. This

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Likely Cause Cancer

E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular due to their lack of odor, lower cost, and perceived ability to help smokers quit. However, a new study has

 News Medicine

Genetically Modified Babies Born in China

In a groundbreaking development, Chinese doctors have announced the birth of twin girls whose genes were manipulated using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool. While the genetic