News Medicine

Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm that can accurately detect early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. These signs are visible in specific brain scans but

 News Medicine

Low Testosterone Causes Male Depression

A lack of the male hormone testosterone can lead to a loss of drive, persistent fatigue, a loss of libido, and severe depression. Researchers at

 News Medicine

Treat Arthritis without Surgery: Orthokin Therapy

Arthritis is the most common joint disease, affecting around two million people in Germany alone. According to the German Arthritis Foundation, 50% of arthritis cases

 News Medicine

E211 Alters Epigenome in Food

The common food additive E211, also known as sodium benzoate, has been found to alter gene activity and DNA in small amounts, according to researchers

 News Medicine

Transforming Pain into Pleasure

Swedish researchers have discovered a hormone receptor in mice that can be blocked to transform negative perceptions, such as pain, into positive feelings like pleasure

 News Medicine

Trained dogs detect Malaria infections

Dogs have long been known to have an incredible sense of smell, and their ability to detect certain diseases has been proven time and time

 News Medicine

Flu’s Long-Term Impact on Brain

A new study has revealed that the flu virus can cause long-term damage to the brain. While most people recover from the flu within a

 News Medicine

Seeing Music: The Synesthete’s Advantage

New research from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and the University of Cambridge has shed light on the biological origins of synesthesia, a condition

 News Medicine

New neurons discovered in human brain

In a groundbreaking discovery, American scientists have found previously unknown neurons in the human brain’s cortex. The function of these neurons is still unclear, but

 News Medicine

Energy drinks harm blood vessels.

Medical experts warn that consuming just one energy drink can lead to a change in the endothelial function of blood vessels, increasing the risk of