News Medicine

Acupuncture has biological effects.

For years, the effectiveness of acupuncture has been a topic of debate among both the general public and medical professionals. While some swear by the

 News Medicine

Gender Affects Severity of Infections

A recent study conducted by researchers from the Royal Holloway University of London has revealed that certain infectious diseases affect men more severely than women.

 News Medicine

Revolutionary Treatment Saves Teeth After Root Canal

A new dental treatment has been developed that allows dentists to restore blood vessels to hollowed-out root canals, giving affected teeth renewed vitality and resilience.

 News Medicine

Realness of Near-Death Experiences

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Science have used the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire to investigate the

 News Medicine

Silver Colloid Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth

Scientists have discovered that colloidal silver, a substance used for over 100 years to support the treatment of various diseases and inflammations, can also inhibit

 News Medicine

Non-smokers getting lung cancer rise

The likelihood of developing lung cancer is significantly higher for smokers. However, recent studies show that an increasing number of non-smokers are also being diagnosed

 News Medicine

Genes Linked to Intelligence Discovered

A groundbreaking study conducted by scientists at the Free University of Amsterdam has identified 40 genes that are responsible for intelligence. The study, which analyzed

 News Medicine

Men over 30 blame belly fat

A recent study conducted by Jay Chung, an expert in weight and age research at Dong-A University in South Korea, has found that a specific

 News Medicine

Cause of Tourette Syndrome Discovered

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the search for a cure for Tourette Syndrome, a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by sudden muscle twitches and obscene

 News Medicine

Nano Patches for Weight Loss?

A new study has found that weight loss can be achieved without diet or exercise, thanks to a specially developed nanotech patch. Researchers from Columbia