News Technology

Human Brains Learn Faster Than AI

In a groundbreaking development, a start-up company in Australia has successfully grown human mini-brains in petri dishes that can learn to play the classic video

 News Technology

AI Laser Cannon Kills Cockroaches

A new laser cannon has been developed that can detect and kill cockroaches using artificial intelligence (AI). The technology could potentially be used in agriculture.

 News Technology

Why a Digital Currency?

Central banks around the world are considering the introduction of their own digital currencies. While China has already introduced digital currency with the E-Yuan, the

 News Technology

World’s Most Eco-Friendly Car Unveiled

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and HWA have developed a new vehicle that is being hailed as the world’s most environmentally friendly car. While electric

 News Technology

First Carbon Concrete House Built Worldwide

In Dresden, the world’s first house made of carbon concrete has been constructed. This material is climate-neutral and significantly more durable than traditional steel-reinforced concrete.

 News Environment

Tripled Heat Days in Germany

The impact of climate change on Germany is becoming increasingly evident, with a new study from the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate

 News Archeology

17th Century Vampire Skeleton Found in Poland

A skeleton from the 17th century has been discovered in Poland, with a sickle placed in its neck to prevent it from rising as a

 News Medicine

Cause of heart inflammation post-COVID vaccine

New research from the University of Saarland has discovered the cause of a rare side effect of mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. In approximately one to

 News Medicine

New Understanding of Human Hearing

New research from the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Linköping University has revealed that the human ear processes language, music, and other information

 News Medicine

Women Eat Healthier than Men

A recent study conducted by scientists at Tufts University has found that the global population’s diet has not significantly improved over the past 30 years.