News Technology

Google’s controversial AI hires lawyer

In a surprising turn of events, the chatbot LaMDA has reportedly developed consciousness and a soul. As a result, the artificial intelligence (AI) has hired

 News Medicine

Endurance Sports Trigger Natural Appetite Suppressants

A new molecule called N-lactoyl-Phenylalanin (Lac-Phe) has been discovered by researchers at Stanford University that could potentially form the basis of a medication to combat

 News Medicine

Night Vision Enabled with Nanoparticle Injection

Scientists have developed nanoparticles that allow mice to see infrared light, according to a study published in the journal Cell. The researchers injected the mice

 News Environment

Space bubbles to halt climate change

A cluster of space bubbles positioned between the sun and the earth could potentially stop climate change, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of

 News Medicine

Stem Cell Therapy Cures Type 1 Diabetes

In a groundbreaking development, a 64-year-old man with type 1 diabetes has been cured through stem cell therapy. This is the first time that a

 News Technology

Mind-Controlled Metamaterial Technology

Chinese scientists from the University of Air Force in Xian have developed a metamaterial whose surface structure can be controlled through thought. Metamaterials are surfaces

 News Archeology

Oldest Bike Tracks Found Worldwide

Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery of what is believed to be the oldest wagon tracks in the world. The find sheds new light on

 News Economics

High fuel prices brake German drivers?

Despite the fuel discount, gasoline and diesel remain expensive. TomTom data now shows whether high fuel prices have led to adjusted driving behavior in Germany.

 News Medicine

Beer improves gut microbiome in men.

Beer consumption has been found to increase the number of health-promoting bacteria in the gut microbiome of men, according to a recent study by scientists

 News Geology

Does the Earth’s Inner Core Oscillate?

New analyses suggest that the Earth’s inner core oscillates, which could explain fluctuations in the planet’s rotation and day length. Despite its importance in providing