News Biology

Bat breaks long-distance record

A young Nathusius’ pipistrelle bat has set a long-distance record in Europe, surprising researchers. These bats are known to travel long distances, flying in groups

 News Medicine

Hydrodissection for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A new study has found that a less invasive treatment called hydrodissection can be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome instead of surgery. Carpal tunnel

 News Medicine

Can Nose Picking Cause Dementia?

Bacteria can enter the human brain through nose-picking, and a recent study investigates whether this can lead to dementia. The Griffith University study in Queensland,

 News Medicine

First Patient Receives Anti-Cancer Pill

A new anti-cancer pill called AOH1996 has been given to its first patient, with promising results reported by researchers at the City of Hope, one

 News Technology

China’s 100MW Compressed Air Energy Storage

A new technology has been developed that allows conventional diesel engines to run on hydrogen, increasing efficiency and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. Scientists at the

 News Medicine

Digital Medication Tracking Saves Lives

A complete digital recording and evaluation of all prescription drugs could prevent 70,000 deaths per year in Germany. The Barmer health insurance company, in collaboration

 News Economics

Germans Doubt State’s Capabilities

Two-thirds of the German population believe that the state is incapable of action and overwhelmed with its tasks, according to a recent survey by the

 News Technology

Extreme Fast Charging with Optimized Lithium-Ion Battery

Chinese scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have developed a new technology that allows lithium-ion batteries to be charged in

 News Environment

Bacteria that eat plastic waste

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the University of Austin have modified a natural enzyme that allows bacteria to break down the commonly used plastic,

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens Wine and Olive Production

The Azores high-pressure system has undergone significant changes in the last century due to climate change. As a result, Spain and Portugal have experienced a