News Medicine

Medication Increases Childhood Cancer Risk

Children and adolescents who consume medications containing phthalates are at a significantly higher risk of developing bone cancer and lymphomas, according to a study by

 News Geology

Earth’s Tectonic Chain Reaction Discovered

A new study has revealed the reason behind the rapid shifts in continental plates that have occurred throughout Earth’s history. Geologists have long suspected that

 News Environment

Prehistoric Microorganisms Ensure Drinking Water Supply

A newly discovered species in Lake Constance is helping to reduce the concentration of toxic ammonium ions and secure the drinking water supply in the

 News Biology

Gill-less Tadpoles Created

Scientists Create Oxygen-Producing Tadpoles through Photosynthesis In a recent study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) have created tadpoles that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without

 News Technology

Battery Containers for Electric Cargo Ships

A US-based start-up, Fleetzero, has developed a battery system that can power container ships without local emissions. The eight-tonne battery containers, which are secured against

 News Medicine

Dangerous immune response from fatty diet.

A new study by scientists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) has found that a high-fat diet triggers a dangerous immune system reaction in abdominal fat, increasing

 News Physics

Creating 100 Million Degree Plasma

In a significant step towards commercializing nuclear fusion, Tokamak Energy has achieved a plasma temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius in its fusion reactor. The

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Leak Warning Supraparticles

A new sensor made of supraparticles has been developed by scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany to detect the presence of hydrogen gas.

 News Biology

Glowing Silk Moths with Quantum Food

Seidenraupen, die mit Kohlenstoff-Quantenpunkten gefüttert werden, produzieren Kokons und Seide, die unter sichtbarem Licht stark rot leuchten. Die Forschung hat seit Langem versucht, Seidenraupen so

 News Physics

Erdős Conjecture Solved After 50 Years

In a breakthrough discovery, mathematicians have created a Steiner triple system with arbitrary waist size, proving the Erdös conjecture after 50 years. Paul Erdös, a