News Environment

CO2’s Anti-Greenhouse Effect Underestimated

A new study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has found that the anti-greenhouse effect of CO2 has been underestimated. The study shows

 News Psychology

Loneliness: A Serious Health Issue

Loneliness is a serious health problem in many countries, and combating it should be a political priority. Researchers at the University of Sydney have conducted

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Long-COVID Risk

A new study from the University of Oxford has found that the risk of developing Long-Covid symptoms is significantly lower in individuals who have received

 News Medicine

Organ Donor Blood Type Changed

Scientists from the University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto have discovered a way to convert organs with blood types A and B into universal donor

 News Medicine

Sports alleviate depression and anxiety.

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Gothenburg has found that a sports therapy program can significantly reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety

 News Environment

Wild West Mentality in Cobalt Mining

The mining of cobalt, a ferromagnetic transition metal used in various industrial products including electric car batteries, is carried out under extremely poor social and

 News Medicine

Cancer drug aids weight loss.

A breakthrough study by Chinese scientists has found that a compound found in the Chinese Happy Tree can help reduce hunger and aid in weight

 News Physics

70 Million Degrees for 17 Minutes: Kernfusion Reactor

China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) has broken yet another world record in nuclear fusion technology. The reactor was able to maintain a plasma temperature

 News Geology

Santorini’s Volcano Controlled by Seawater

A recent study on changes in sea levels during the last four ice ages has revealed that a sustained decrease in sea levels occurred during

 News Technology

Laser Light Hack Attack

In a groundbreaking discovery, IT researchers have successfully transmitted data through the LEDs of a computer located 25 meters away using laser pulses. This breakthrough